Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Believing in science doesn't mean you need to be an evolutionist

I have a passion for God’s creation! I love to learn, know, and understand how the human body, along with animals, works. When I say work I do not mean the psychology of the brain but rather the cellular level. I love to study how God’s creation is evident in our every movement. Even while sitting watching TV our body (God's wonderful creation) is constantly working to maintain our state of homeostasis (or the state in which God created our body's functions to perform at). I believe that the periodic table of elements is the blueprints of the design for humans, the earth, and the atmosphere. When looking on a cellular level we see the smallest functions of our body are often the most important; usually these functions are conducted through Ions which are elements of the periodic table that have either gained or lost electrons. God created Adam from the dust of the earth, and anyone who says God did not design us needs to open their eyes and see that the very elements that are present in the ground have multiple and serious functions within the body. God's creation is scientifically perfect. It is only because of sin that our bodies have any flaws.
One function within the body, of millions, that proves God's existence
Inside of our body there are so many cells, and so many different functions. When thinking about the cellular level of our body, it’s best to picture it as a miniature industrialized nation within our body.

  • Muscle cells are so amazing in that they allow all the muscles of our body to move and contract to allow stability, movement, and even aid in the venous return of blood. There are three type's of muscle cells which have totally diffent functions within the body. When I first learned this my mind went straight to asking myself, "If evolution existed, how on earth would the differential of skeletal muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, and cardiac muscle cells just happen?" The thing is that it can’t just happen!
  1. Skeletal muscle makes up the muscles in our arms, legs, and even our diaphragm. These muscle cells are built to receive nerve innervation's to contract and relax and move in coordination with what our brain perceives.
  2. Smooth muscle is stretchy which is why it makes up most of the arteries of the body, and even the vessels of breathing to dilate and contract.
  3. Cardiac muscle was incredibly designed and by far the most amazing cells ever! These cells are built to create their own electricity, meaning they do not need nerves to make them go. The heart is, and constantly will beat because of this fact.

These are all muscles within the body, but the cells were built and designed to have different functions that are necessary and honestly, how could that have been a pure accident due to evolving from a single celled organism? I love science so much, but I love God more so the fact that I can learn, study, and understand both is truly a blessing in life. I hope you understand what I am saying because it is extremely important that you know who God is, and know what he has done for you. If you have any questions send me a message.

1 comment:

  1. Evolution is the ONLY viable theory. Creationism died 150 years ago. There are virtually NO biologists that accept creation as a valid theory.
